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There is a SEVEN step process at First McNeil of how we intend to accomplish our mission.
First McNeil’s Next Steps:
NEXT STEP #1 – Become a follower of Jesus Christ.
NEXT STEP #2 - Follow Christ in baptism.
NEXT STEP #3 – Attend New Member Workshop Class.
NEXT STEP #4 - Worship with your new church family on Sunday morning through upbeat, worshipful songs and relevant biblical teaching.
NEXT STEP #5 - Join a Bible study group and experience meaningful relationships with others and grow in a deeper relationship with Christ through studying the Scriptures together.
NEXT STEP #6 - Serve others! We believe that every member in his or her place of ministry serving and caring for others is not only Biblical, it is essential to becoming Christ-like. Jesus said, “I came not to be served, but to serve,” Mark 10:45 and in Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
NEXT STEP #7 – WORSHIP, GROW, SERVE - your personal journey to maturity.
OUR GOAL: to be obedient followers that are making obedient followers of our Lord will require each of us to be faithful attenders of the Sunday morning WORSHIP time as well as faithful members of a small group where we can GROW through studying the Bible together and SERVE others both physically and spiritually as we “go and tell” and invite to “come and see” what the gospel message of Jesus Christ is all about.
OUR GOAL: is to keep ministry really simple. We believe that if every Christian would be involved in these steps they would become mature Christians as Christ wants us to be. We indeed would be obedient followers of Jesus Christ developing others to become obedient followers of Christ.
OUR GOAL: to ultimately be like Christ to the Glory of God.